Gasland Part IIPogledaj trailer!


документарен (2013)

Gasland Part II

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Gasland Part II


Gasland Part II






125 мин


Josh Fox


Josh Fox

Главни улоги:

Bill Clinton
  >  Self
Hillary Clinton
  >  Self
Josh Fox
  >  Self - Narrator
Rush Holt
  >  Self - Congressman, New Jersey
Chaka Fattah
  >  Self - Congressman, Pennsylvania
Lon Burnam
  >  Self - Texas 90th District
Maurice Hinchey
  >  Self - Congressman, New York
Ben Cardin
  >  Self - Senator, Maryland
Al Armendariz
  >  Self - EPA Regional Administrator
John Fenton
  >  Self
John Hanger
  >  Self - PA DEP
Kindra Arnesen
  >  Self
Tony Ingraffea
  >  Self - Professor of Engineering, Cornell University
Jeremiah Gee
  >  Self - Tioga County, PA
Drew Hutton
  >  Self - Co-founder, Green Party
Dirk Detruck
  >  Self
Bob Howarth
  >  Self - Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology, Cornell University
Lois Capps
  >  Self - Congresswoman, California


A documentary that declares the gas industry's portrayal of natural gas as a clean and safe alternative to oil is a myth, and that fracked wells inevitably leak over time, contaminating water and air, hurting families, and endange...
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