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документарен (2011)

The Last Explorers

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The Last Explorers





Главни улоги:

Neil Oliver
  >  Himself - Presenter
Neil Oliver
  >  Himself - Presenter (4 episodes, 2011)
Jim Spickler
  >  Himself - Chief Biologist, Eco-Ascension
Shelton Johnson
  >  Himself - Ranger, Yosemite National Park
Jim McNeill
  >  Himself - Polar Explorer
Brian Burke-Gaffney
  >  Himself - History Professor
Henry Matinga
  >  Himself - Guide
Ross Holgate
  >  Himself - Explorer
Rob Mackenzie
  >  Himself - Livingstone Biographer
Skip Novak
  >  Himself - Pelagic Captain
Jack Thompson
  >  Himself - University of Livingstonia, Malawi (as Professor Jack Thompson)
Klaus Dodds
  >  Himself - Editor, The Geographical Journal (as Professor Klaus Dodds)
Dave Lane
  >  Himself - Climber, Yosemite
Munokalya Mukuni
  >  Himself (as Chief Mukuni)
Derren Fox
  >  Himself - British Antarctic Survey


Arheolog i pisac Nil Oliver govori o zlatnom dobu istraživanja. Kreće stopama četvorice škotskih istraživača koji su stupili na scenu pri kraju doba velikih istraživanja. Mnogi pre njih su tražili avanture, bogatstvo i osvajali ogromne teritorije u ime Boga i države. Poslednji istraživači nisu sejali zastave, već ideje. Te ideje su oblikovale moderan svet koji danas imamo.


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