Svidd neger

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Svidd neger


Svidd neger




драма, криминалистички, мистерија, комедија, љубовен, романса, трилер


87 мин


Sun Jia Qi


Audrey Kouakou

Главни улоги:

Björn Granath
  >  Presten
Guri Johnson
  >  Ellen Margrethe
Eirik Junge Eliassen
  >  Peder
Frank Jørstad
  >  Normann Hætta bongo Utsi Saus
Kjersti Lid Gullvåg
  >  Anna
Thor-Inge Gullvåg
  >  Karl
Issaka Sawadogo
  >  Faren (as Isaka Sawadogo)
Ivan Ivashov
  >  Ante


Anna lives with her father Karl someplace in the outskirts of northern Norway. Karl killed his ex-wife and threw her newborn colored child into the sea when he discovered that she obviously had been unfaithful. Now Karl is being haunted by her ghost and is developing a serious drinking problem. Anna is looking for the love of her life, but there aren't many bachelors around - until they discovers another small family on the other side of the mountain. They meet a semi-alcoholized widow on Karl's age, her son Peder, and her black adopted son, Ante, that arrived from the sea on a piece of wood.
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  • Коментари (1)

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  • Nutella92
    26.02.2014. 18:51
    Svidd Neger (2003)

    Žanr: Drama, Krimi, Komedija
    Trajanje: 87 minuta
    Zemlja: Norveška
    Jezik: Norverški, Engleski, Švedski

    Režija: Erik Smith Meyer
    Scenario: Stein Elvestad

    Uloge: Kingsford Siayor, Eirik Junge Eliassen, Bjorn Granath...



    Radnja filmaAnna živi s ocem Karlom negde na periferiji u severnoj Norveškoj. Karl je ubio svoju bivšu suprugu i bacio njeno novorođenče obojeno dete u more kada je otkrio da je očito bio neverna. Sada Karla progoni njen duh i razvoj ozbiljnih problema s alkoholom. Anna je u potrazi za ljubavlju svog života, ali ne postoji mnogo neženja okolo - sve dok ne otkrije još jednu malu porodicu na drugoj strani planine..

    Prevod je uradio kolega
    ivannis Clap

    Nutella922014-02-26 18:51:54

