Stille Nacht


драма, љубовен, романса (1995)

Stille Nacht

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Stille Nacht


Stille Nacht




драма, љубовен, романса


83 мин


Dani Levy


Klaus Chatten
, Dani Levy
, Maria Schrader

Главни улоги:

Ingrid Caven
  >  Sängerin
Ubi Ferguson
  >  Bellboy No. 2
Nina Franoszek
  >  Fernsehansagerin
Maurice Lamy
  >  Page
Jenni Lau
  >  Girl with Trumpet
Mark Schlichter
  >  Christian
Maria Schrader
  >  Julia
Adisat Semenitsch
  >  Katja
Jürgen Vogel
  >  Frank


Sensing their relationship is crumbling, Christian avoids celebrating Christmas with his girlfriend Julia and heads for Paris. She, alone in their Berlin flat, decides this is the time to drop her lover Frank, and invites him for dinner. Deciding between the two men grows harder, as Frank keeps impressing Julia with his wit and sex appeal, while Christian annoys her with a series of desperate calls from his refuge.
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