SacrilegePogledaj trailer!


хорор (2017)


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96 мин


Paul Catalanotto


Paul Catalanotto
, Mark Twain Williams
, Mary Nguyen Catalanotto

Главни улоги:

Jenn Foreman
  >  Jessica
Megan Few
  >  Samantha
Chad Graham
  >  Carl
Christine Tonry
  >  Nancy
Kim Baptiste
  >  Dr. Harris
Jordan Salloum
  >  Cole
Carmen Tonry
  >  Little Demon
Daniel Levy
  >  Tall dark and all over you
Greg Pearson
  >  Ted


Carefree and desperate to avoid any responsibility, Jessica, a college student, visits a yard sale to buy a gift for her best friend. However, the music box she brings home is haunted by a vicious demonic entity eager to feed off the lives of all who hear the box's melody. After her best friend takes her own life, Jessica seeks the aid of two ghost hunters, but they too find themselves out of their depth. Desperate to free herself of the cursed box, she searches for the box's origin only to find that true evil begins with best of intentions.
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    Approval team
    04.03.2018. 16:16
    Prijevod je najavio Velo_7 ⚡

