Naked As We CamePogledaj trailer!


драма, семеен (2013)

Naked As We Came

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Naked As We Came


Naked As We Came




драма, семеен


87 мин


Richard LeMay


Richard LeMay

Главни улоги:

S. Lue McWilliams
  >  Lilly
Sturgis Adams
  >  Jeff
Ben Weaver
  >  Ted Kingsley
Karmine Alers
  >  Laura Garcia
Ryan Vigilant
  >  Elliot
John Challice
  >  Eric


New York siblings Laura and Elliot receive word of their mother Lilly's imminent death from cancer and break an eighteen month estrangement to rush to her side. Upon arrival they find that Lilly has a house guest, Ted, an attractive "groundskeeper" half her age. It was he, not Lilly, who informed the kids of their mother's condition. Suspicious of his presence, the kids want him gone, but Lilly wants him around at least till her kids have gone. With death coming, Lilly advises her kids on life and helps drop the barriers that have grown between them, but upon her death Elliot discovers that Ted's motives for hanging around aren't purely altruistic.
  • Коментари (1)

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  • bojan969
    29.12.2013. 16:54
    Naked As We Came (2013)

    Žanr: Porodična drama
    Trajanje: 84 min
    Država: Amerika
    Jezik: Engleski

    Režija i scenario: Richard LeMay


    Benjamin Weaver ... Ted Kingsley
    Karmine Alers ... Laura Garcia
    S. Lue McWilliams ... Lilly 
    Ryan Vigilant ... Elliot


    Posle neočekivanog telefonskog pozivam Laura i njen brat Elliot žure na porodično imanje
    gde nalaze smrtno bolesnu majku Lilly, koja živi sa zgodnim mladim strancem - Tedom.
    Iako su dugo bili otuđeni jedno od drugih, majčino stanje ih podstiče da otkriju
    gde su njihovi životi krenuli naopako. 
    S druge strane, Lilly se iz žene opsednute kontrolom pretvorila u srdačnu ženu koja sad
    želi da deci prenese stečenu mudrost.
    Dok pokušavaju da shvate kako se Ted uklapa u život njihove majke, Elliot i Laura
    se bave sopstvenom ogorčenošću i slomljenim snovima.
    Ali i Ted ima vlastite tajne...

    Prevod uradio mita53

