How to Start a Revolution


биографски, документарен, вести (2011)

How to Start a Revolution

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How to Start a Revolution


How to Start a Revolution




биографски, документарен, вести


85 мин


Ruaridh Arrow


Ruaridh Arrow

Главни улоги:

Gene Sharp
  >  Himself
Jamila Raqib
  >  As Herself
Robert Helvey
  >  Himself


HOW TO START A REVOLUTION is the remarkable untold story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Gene Sharp, the world's leading expert on non-violent revolution. This new film (from first time director Ruaridh Arrow) reveals how Gene's work has given a new generation of revolutionary leaders the weapons needed to overthrow dictators. It shows how his 198 steps to non-violent regime change have inspired uprisings from Serbia to Ukraine and from Egypt to Syria and how his work has spread across the globe in an unstoppable wave of profound democratic change. How To Start A Revolution is the story of the power of people to change their world, the modern revolution and the man behind it all.
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