HappyPogledaj trailer!

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100 мин


Jordan Goldnadel


Jordan Goldnadel
, Florence Chouraqui Suissa

Главни улоги:

Vladimir Perrin
  >  Thomas
Jordan Goldnadel
  >  Florent
Léa Moszkowicz
  >  Marion
Charlotte Vercoustre
  >  Coralie
Arthur Jalta
  >  Louis
Marcel Aloro
  >  Marcel
Marc de Panda
  >  Marc
Isabelle Ryan
  >  Alessia


Florent, a 23 year-old Parisian, meets Alessia, a lost American girl from Texas in the streets of Paris, by random chance. At an important crossroad of their lives - both characters have just graduated from college - Alessia and Florent are torn between the possibilities that lie before them in today's globalised world and the limitations and responsibilities which come with adulthood in the face of global economic turmoil. Florent dreams of America; Alessia dreams of France, her mother's unfulfilled wish. Through their interaction with Marion and Louis, Florent's best friends, Coralie, his ex-girlfriend, and Thomas, a waiter they meet in Normandy, our characters learn about the world they live in. A world that brings them much questioning. A world of their generation.
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За коментирање мора да бидете пријавени!

  • 19.04.2017. 01:41
    Lep, leprsav film. Prevod odlican.
  • titlovi.com
    Approval team
    27.02.2017. 00:56
    crni60 hvala za prijevod 💐

