
документарен (2018)

General Magic

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General Magic


General Magic






90 мин


Sarah Kerruish
, Matt Maude


Sarah Kerruish
, Matt Maude
, Jonathan Key
, Ceri Tallett
, Michael Stern

Главни улоги:

Andy Hertzfeld
  >  Himself
John Sculley
  >  Himself
Marc Porat
  >  Himself
Tony Fadell
  >  Himself
Megan Smith
  >  Herself


The ideas that dominate the tech industry and our day to day lives were born at a secretive Silicon Valley start-up called 'General Magic', which spun out of Apple in 1990 to create the first handheld personal communicator (or "smartphone"). The film combines rare archival footage with powerful honesty from the "Magicians" today, reflecting on the most influential Silicon Valley Company no one has ever heard of. Featuring legendary members of the original Macintosh team, along with the creators of the iPod, iPhone, Android and eBay.
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