
документарен (1997)

Doing Time, Doing Vipassana

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Doing Time, Doing Vipassana


Doing Time, Doing Vipassana






52 мин


Ayelet Menahemi
, Eilona Ariel

Главни улоги:

Kiran Bedi
  >  Herself - Former Inspector General of Prisons for New Delhi


This is the story of an ancient meditation technique named Vipassana, which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good.It is the story of a strong woman named Kiran Bedi, the former Inspector General of Prisons in New Delhi, who strove to transform the notorious Tihar Prison and turn it into an oasis of peace. But most of all it is the story of prison inmates who underwent profound change, and who realized that incarceration is not the end but possibly a fresh start toward an improved and more positive life. These people have shown that reform can work if it is self-reform. Their success has been so dramatic that recently the Indian Government decided to apply Vipassana in all the country's prisons. Other countries are becoming interested as well. The filmmakers spent about two weeks inside Tihar Central Prison in New Delhi and Baroda Jail in the Indian state of Gujarat. They interviewed inmates and jail officials, and filmed in places ...
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  • segrt
    Active member
    01.01.2011. 18:19
    Hvala i tebi što si ga ovde postavio ;)

    sve najbolje 
  • Gajtana
    Junior moderator
    30.12.2010. 12:06
    Doing Time, Doing Vipassana
    Žanr: Dokumentari
    Godina: 1977
    Država: Indija, Izrael
    Trajanje: 52 minute
    Uloge: Kiran Bedi
    Radnja filma:
    Priča o antičkoj meditacionoj tehnici na teritoriji Indije.  Radnja filma smeštena je u zatvoru u Indiji, gde se dešavaju čudesa na unutrašnjem, ljudskom, duševnom planu. Zatvorenici pokušavaju da promene nesto u svom zivotu, da im kazna ne bude samo mrtva kazna koja se odrobija nego i jedan vid puta ka samospoznaji ...
    Isječak iz filma:
    Prijevod napravio: segrt ( hvala kolega Clap )
    Možete ga skinuti OVDJE

