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Филмови на, страница 5968

  • Luke's Movie Muddle

    Luke's Movie Muddle (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    Bioskop, večernja projekcija, smotani kinooperater... I projekcija može da počne.
  • Nugget Jim's Pardner

    Nugget Jim's Pardner (1916)

    кратки, вестерн

    The son of a wealthy business man, Hal, is untouched by the hand of care. His father frequently remonstrates with him and urges him to give up his frivolous ways, but Hal laughs at him. Entirely out...
  • One A.M.

    One A.M. (1916)

    кратки, семеен, комедија

    After a night on the town, Charlie comes home to the house where he is staying, drunk and unable to find his key. For the next twenty minutes he staggers into, out of, and through the house in an...
  • Per te, amore!

    Per te, amore! (1916)

  • The Count

    The Count (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    Charlie burns a count's trousers while ironing them and is fired. The tailor finds an invitation to dinner at Miss Moneybags and goes in place of the count. Charlie goes to the kitchen of the same...
  • The Fireman

    The Fireman (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaware that his daughter (the love of the Chief) is...
  • The Floorwalker

    The Floorwalker (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    Nakon što izazove haos na prodajnom mestu, Čarli Čaplin odlazi u kancelariju. Tamo naleti na inspektora radnje (koji jako liči na Čarlija) koji je upravo opljačkao sef i onesvestio upravnika. Čarli u...
  • The Pawnshop

    The Pawnshop (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    Čarli Čaplin radi kao pomoćni radnik u zalagaonici. U stalnom je sukobu sa svojim kolegom u borbi za naklonost vlasnika zalagaonice, ali ga to vodi u niz komičnih situacija u kojima uništava skoro...
  • The Rink

    The Rink (1916)

    кратки, комедија

    U ovom filmu Charlie tumači konobara s jedinstvenim tehnikama. Račune gostima restorana naplaćuje proučavajući ostatke jela na njihovoj odjeći dok koktele pravi tresući vlastito tijelo umjesto pića...
  • Wo ist mein Schatz?

    Wo ist mein Schatz? (1916)


    Husband is hounded by his nagging mother-in-law who lives with him and his wife. After coming home drunk one night he is kicked out by the mother-in-law. He disguises himself as a servant and gets a...
  • A Burlesque on Carmen

    A Burlesque on Carmen (1915)

    кратки, комедија

    Američka crno-bijela nijema filmska komedija snimljena 1915. u režiji Charlesa Chaplina. Predstavlja parodiju popularne opere Carmen Georgesa Bizeta, a vjeruje se da je poticaj za snimanje dalo i to...
  • A Jitney Elopement

    A Jitney Elopement (1915)

    кратки, комедија

    Ednin otac želi da je uda za bogatog grofa He-Ha. Čarli, Ednina prava ljubav, predstavlja se na večeri kao grof, ali se pravi grof pojavi i on biva izbačen napolje.

