Room 237Pogledaj trailer!


документарен (2012)

Room 237

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Room 237


Room 237






102 мин


Rodney Ascher


Rodney Ascher

Главни улоги:

Bill Blakemore
  >  Himself
Stephen Brophy
  >  Cast
Sam Walton
  >  Cast (as Samuel Walton)
Jay Weidner
  >  Himself
Buffy Visick
  >  Cast
Juli Kearns
  >  Herself
John Fell Ryan
  >  Himself
Geoffrey Cocks
  >  Himself
Buddy Black
  >  Cast
Ash Brophy
  >  Csst


A subjective documentary that explores the numerous theories about the hidden meanings within Stanley Kubrick's film Isijavanje (1980). The film may be over 30 years old but it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments. Together they'll draw the audience into a new maze, one with endless detours and dead ends, many ways in, but no way out.
  • Слично за гледање
  • Коментари (4)

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  • Mizi
    eXtreme member
    17.11.2022. 00:27
    Ja sam se iznenadio čega sve ima u filmu, kakvih skrivenih poruka, knjiga je bila samo kostur za ono što je Stenli zapravo hteo da snimi, tj. da nam ubaci poruke i podseti na neke lepe događaje iz istorije.
  • AlexDeLarge
    eXtreme member
    17.11.2022. 00:20
    Kjubrik je nominovan za prvu Zlatnu malinu za dati film, a King se nije slagao sa Kjubrikovim vidjenjem njegovog dela, a citah u Zabavniku oko samog filma podosta zanimljivosti,
  • Mizi
    eXtreme member
    16.11.2022. 23:54
    Zanimljive teorije vezane za film The Shining, pogledati kad ko stigne, može i koga interesuje.

